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Token API

Token API aims to provide accessibility to all Solana tokens that are tradable on Jupiter. The Token API is built with a tagging system which consists of tokens from Jupiter's community verification system, LSTs and also the ability to support partner token tags.

Through the Token API, you can query by tags, mints, markets to get a list of tokens and also to get more on the token information.

Let's Get Started

In this guide, we will be going through a few examples of what Token API endpoints you can call to get the information you need.

The root URL of the Token API is as such.

Get Token Information

Using this endpoint, you can get the token information of the specific mint address. In the following example, we are looking at getting the token information of the JUP token.

Helpful Information

In the response, you can see that we have identified the tags, freeze_authority and permanent_delegate to help you or your users make informed decisions.

const tokenInfoResponse = await (
await fetch('')


From the above example, you should see this response.

address: 'JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN',
name: 'Jupiter',
symbol: 'JUP',
decimals: 6,
logoURI: '',
tags: [ 'verified', 'strict', 'community', 'birdeye-trending' ],
daily_volume: 79535977.0513354,
created_at: '2024-04-26T10:56:58.893768Z',
freeze_authority: null,
mint_authority: null,
permanent_delegate: null,
minted_at: '2024-01-25T08:54:23Z',
extensions: { coingeckoId: 'jupiter-exchange-solana' }

Get Tokens In Market

Using this endpoint, you can get a list of token mints that belong to a market/pool address. In the following example, we use a Meteora SOL-USDC market.

const marketTokensResponse = await (
await fetch('')


From the above example, you should see this response.


Get All Tradable Tokens

Using this endpoint, you can get a list of all token mints that are tradable on Jupiter.

  • A new token (before market liquidity checks)
  • Or tokens that has past the market liquidity checks
  • These tokens should return a quote from the /quote endpoint and is able to swap.
const allTradableResponse = await (
await fetch('')


From the above example, you should see this response.




Get Tagged Tokens

Using this endpoint, you can get a list of token mints (with information) that are tagged according to the tag you pass in. In the following example, we use the lst tag.


A list of useful tags are:

Token List NameDescription
verifiedA list of verified tokens, consisting of community-verified tokens via and the previous standard of Jupiter Strict.
lstA list of liquid staked tokens, maintained with Sanctum.
token-2022A list of all token-2022 tokens.
moonshotA list of tokens minted via Moonshot.
pumpA list of tokens minted via

You can pass in multiple tags using a comma separated list, refer to the API Reference for more details.

const lstTaggedResponse = await (
await fetch('')


From the above example, you should see this response.


address: 'jupSoLaHXQiZZTSfEWMTRRgpnyFm8f6sZdosWBjx93v',
name: 'Jupiter Staked SOL',
symbol: 'JupSOL',
decimals: 9,
logoURI: '',
tags: [ 'verified', 'community', 'strict', 'lst' ],
daily_volume: 24017778.687489692,
created_at: '2024-04-26T10:57:45.759228Z',
freeze_authority: null,
mint_authority: 'EMjuABxELpYWYEwjkKmQKBNCwdaFAy4QYAs6W9bDQDNw',
permanent_delegate: null,
minted_at: '2024-03-25T09:28:04Z',
extensions: { coingeckoId: 'jupiter-staked-sol' }


Get New Tokens

Using this endpoint, you can get a list of token mints (with information) sorted by created_at their timestamps.

Paginate Large Response

The /new endpoint will return a large sized payload as response, you can utilize the limit and offset query parameters to help paginate the responses.

  • limit: Refers to how many counts of data to be in the output.
  • offset: Refers to how many counts of data to offset into the result set.
    • Used in conjunction with limit to page through the data.

Refer to the API Reference for more information.

const newTokensReponse = await (
await fetch('')


From the above example, you should see this response.

mint: 'penguin',
created_at: '1733481083',
metadata_updated_at: 1733481087,
name: 'cool penguin',
symbol: 'penguin',
decimals: 6,
logo_uri: '',
known_markets: [ 'market' ],
mint_authority: null,
freeze_authority: null
mint: 'cat',
created_at: '1733481083',
metadata_updated_at: 1733481087,
name: 'cat moon',
symbol: 'cat',
decimals: 6,
logo_uri: '',
known_markets: [ 'market' ],
mint_authority: null,
freeze_authority: null

Get All Tokens

Using the endpoint, you can simply query with the all resource to get all tokens that Jupiter has indexed through our infrastructure.


Do note that calling this endpoint's resource will return a large payload of 300+MB, which would introduce some latency in the call. Please use carefully and intentionally, else utilize the other endpoints.

This endpoint does not support limit or offset.


To index your own tokens, you can use RPC API like Helius DAS to do it yourself.

const allResponse = await (
await fetch('')


From the above example, you should see this response.


address: 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112',
name: 'Wrapped SOL',
symbol: 'SOL',
decimals: 9,
logoURI: '',
tags: [ 'verified', 'community', 'strict' ],
daily_volume: 2873455332.377303,
created_at: '2024-04-26T10:56:58.893768Z',
freeze_authority: null,
mint_authority: null,
permanent_delegate: null,
minted_at: null,
extensions: { coingeckoId: 'wrapped-solana' }
address: 'JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN',
name: 'Jupiter',
symbol: 'JUP',
decimals: 6,
logoURI: '',
tags: [ 'verified', 'strict', 'community', 'birdeye-trending' ],
daily_volume: 79535977.0513354,
created_at: '2024-04-26T10:56:58.893768Z',
freeze_authority: null,
mint_authority: null,
permanent_delegate: null,
minted_at: '2024-01-25T08:54:23Z',
extensions: { coingeckoId: 'jupiter-exchange-solana' }
