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Create Order

New Paths

The /limit/v2 path will be deprecated soon, please update your API calls to use the /trigger/v1 path immediately.

When updating to the new path, please refer to the documentation as there are some breaking changes.

  • /execute endpoint is introduced.
  • /createOrder endpoint now includes an additional requestId parameter to be used with the /execute endpoint.
  • /cancelOrder endpoint only builds the transaction for 1 order, while /cancelOrders endpoint builds the transaction for multiple orders.
  • The tx field in the responses are now transaction or transactions.
  • /getTriggerOrders endpoint is introduced to get either active or historical orders (based on the query parameters) in a new format.

The root URL of the Trigger API's create order endpoint is as such.

Create Order

This is a POST request to /createOrder endpoint, where you pass in the necessary parameters and our backend will create the transaction for you to sign and send to the network seamlessly.

Optional Parameters

Do note that there are a few optional parameters that you can use, such as:

  • Setting an expiry date on the order.
  • Adding fees through our referral program, please ensure that your feeAccount has the necessary referralTokenAccounts of the output mint of the limit order for it to work, you can learn more about creating them dynamically in the Add Fees To Swap guide.

Create a POST request to the /createOrder endpoint.

const createOrderResponse = await (
await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
inputMint: inputMint.toString(),
outputMint: outputMint.toString(),
maker: "5dMXLJ8GYQxcHe2fjpttVkEpRrxcajRXZqJHCiCbWS4H",
payer: "5dMXLJ8GYQxcHe2fjpttVkEpRrxcajRXZqJHCiCbWS4H",
params: {
makingAmount: "1000000",
takingAmount: "300000",
// expiredAt: "", // In unix seconds (e.g. or optional
// feeBps: "", // Requires referral account or optional
computeUnitPrice: "auto",
// feeAccount: "", // Optional but if specified it is the referral token account of the output mint
// wrapAndUnwrapSol: true, // Default true or optional


Now that you have the order transaction, you can sign and send to the network. There are 2 methods, after signing the transaction, you can either send it to the network yourself or use the Trigger API's /execute endpoint to do it for you.

Let's execute the order

Create Order Response

Success Example Response

"order": "CFG9Bmppz7eZbna96UizACJPYT3UgVgps3KkMNNo6P4k",
"requestId": "370100dd-1a85-421b-9278-27f0961ae5f4"

Failed Example Response

"error": "invalid create order request",
"cause": "input mint making amount must be at least 5 USD, received: 2",
"code": 400