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Get Order

The root URL of the Ultra API's order endpoint is as such.
API Reference

To fully utilize the Ultra API, check out the Ultra API Reference.

Get Order

To get a swap order, you need to pass in the required parameters such as:

  • inputMint: The input token mint address
  • outputMint: The output token mint address
  • amount: The amount of input token to swap
  • taker: The user's wallet address
    • Note: If the taker is not provided, there will still be an Order Response with no transaction field.
const orderResponse = await (
await fetch(

console.log(JSON.stringify(orderResponse, null, 2));

Order Response

In the order response, you will receive a number of fields that are important to note of, such as the swapType, slippageBps, etc.

The main fields you should need:

  • transaction: The base64 encoded transaction that you need to sign before submitting to the network.
  • requestId: The request ID of the order to be used in the Execute Order endpoint.

Now, you are able to get a swap order, next steps is to make a post request to the Execute Order endpoint. Let's go!

Example response of Aggregator Swap:

"swapType": "aggregator",
"environment": "production",
"requestId": "668e8b71-a5ab-424e-83d6-51c9239e8bb5",
"inAmount": "100000000",
"outAmount": "12698391",
"otherAmountThreshold": "12577697",
"swapMode": "ExactIn",
"slippageBps": 100,
"priceImpactPct": "0.0000261921556639999999999997",
"routePlan": [
"swapInfo": {
"ammKey": "HTvjzsfX3yU6BUodCjZ5vZkUrAxMDTrBs3CJaq43ashR",
"label": "Meteora DLMM",
"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"inAmount": "100000000",
"outAmount": "12704744",
"feeAmount": "30003",
"feeMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"
"percent": 100
"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"feeBps": 5,
"taker": "3X2LFoTQecbpqCR7G5tL1kczqBKurjKPHhKSZrJ4wgWc",
"gasless": false,
"prioritizationType": "ComputeBudget",
"prioritizationFeeLamports": 72329,
"lastValidBlockHeight": 301856775,
"dynamicSlippageReport": {
"slippageBps": 75,
"otherAmount": null,
"simulatedIncurredSlippageBps": null,
"amplificationRatio": null,
"categoryName": "solana",
"heuristicMaxSlippageBps": 100,
"rtseSlippageBps": 75,
"failedTxnEstSlippage": 55,
"priceMovementEstSlippage": 75,
"emaEstSlippage": 0
"totalTime": 549

Example response of RFQ Swap:

"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"inAmount": "100000000",
"outAmount": "12619939",
"otherAmountThreshold": "12626253",
"swapMode": "ExactIn",
"slippageBps": 0,
"priceImpactPct": "0",
"routePlan": [
"swapInfo": {
"ammKey": "96ywtMs5KJNt2iAinr1U8KMzxjcY1FUEpgKHMYNz818g",
"label": "RFQ",
"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"inAmount": "100000000",
"outAmount": "12619939",
"feeAmount": "0",
"feeMint": "11111111111111111111111111111111"
"percent": 100
"feeBps": 5,
"transaction": null,
"gasless": true,
"prioritizationType": "None",
"prioritizationFeeLamports": 0,
"requestId": "0abacc75-6a3c-d688-b633-ce2c14cef0fd",
"swapType": "rfq",
"quoteId": "25e8fc14-15f9-522d-8e18-5130e273b90f",
"maker": "96ywtMs5KJNt2iAinr1U8KMzxjcY1FUEpgKHMYNz818g",
"taker": null,
"expireAt": null,
"contextSlot": 0,
"platformFee": {
"amount": "6313",
"feeBps": 5
"totalTime": 425