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Ape Pro Overview

ApePro is Solana’s Memecoin Terminal, bringing traders pro-performance while having superior mobile optimisations, featuring:

🍌 MPC based AA program with social logins (powered by Web3Auth)

🍌 Best price swaps with the lowest platform fees (0.5%) on top of intelligent fee optimisations (powered by Jupiter)

🍌 Signless MEV protected swaps (powered by Jito)

🍌 Real-time charts, transactions, data, everything!


Ape Account Program​

  • Seamless Logins: Both social logins and Web3 methods are supported; Goodbye seed phrases.
  • Secure Accounts: ApePro uses Multiparty Computation (MPC) for securing accounts, ensuring security without compromising usability.
  • Smart Wallet Program: ApePro operates on a proprietary Solana program, which differs from your typical Externally Owned Account (EOA) that you access via wallet providers like Phantom and Solflare. The ApePro program allows the platform to implement advanced functionalities such as instant signless transactions, intelligent fee optimisations and automatic transaction retries. While you own the private key, the platform is currently restricting access to exporting the private key as current wallet providers like Phantom and Solflare do not support this, and this otherwise will cause more user confusion
  • Easy Account Activation: Simply deposit at least 0.1 SOL to activate your Ape Vault and you can get started
  • Withdrawals: Ape currently only supports withdrawal of SOL and not other tokens

New Tokens Feed​

  • Real-Time Token Feed: View tokens launched in the past 24 hours to discover new opportunities.
  • Quick Buys & Sells: Trade tokens quickly directly from the feed without the need to sign wallet transactions for each trade.
  • Filters: Customise the token feed by applying filters such as:
    • Show Show tokens created via
    • Dev Mints: No. of tokens minted by token dev.
    • Token Checklist: Mint Authority Disabled, Freeze Authority Disabled, LP locked/ burned, Top 10 holders.
    • At least one social: Tokens with at least one social link.
    • Metric Ranges: Set minimum and maximum values for 24h Volume, Market Cap, Bonding Curve %, Liquidity, 24h Transactions, Buys, and Sells.

Hunt Gems Feed​

  • Real-time feed of new and emerging tokens, categorised into three sections:
    1. New Creations: Newly created tokens with at least one liquidity pool.
    2. Graduating Soon: tokens with bonding curve progress above 50%.
    3. Graduated: tokens that have migrated liquidity to Raydium.
  • Quick Buys & Sells: Trade tokens quickly directly from the feed without the need to sign wallet transactions for each trade.

Signless MEV-Protected Swaps​

  • MEV Protection: Execute accelerated swaps without signing wallet transactions, protected from Miner Extractable Value (MEV) attacks, powered by Jito.
  • Intelligent Fee Optimisations: Benefit from automatic fee adjustments to minimise swap costs.
  • Best-Price Swaps: Access best-price swaps through integration with the Jupiter router, ensuring competitive rates across liquidity pools.
  • Near-Instant Trading: Trade tokens FAST without the need to sign wallet transactions

Managing Positions and PnL​

  • Positions Management: Monitor all your open positions and track profit and loss (PnL)
  • Portfolio balances: View your net worth and token balances
  • Trade History: View past trades with their relative time labels (e.g. 4h), token amounts traded and a link to the block explorer

Realtime Charts and Transaction​

  • Realtime Charts: Access realtime charts to view token prices and market cap
    • Quote Denomination: On the TradingView chart widget, users can switch between denominating token prices or marketcap in SOL or USD
    • Show price or marketcap: You can switch between viewing price or marketcap on the chart
    • Dev Trades: You can visualise buy and sell labels of the token deployer on the chart
  • Transaction History: Monitor trades for a token and view your transaction history

Token Checklist​

  • Risk Indicators: Assess risks by checking if liquidity pools are burned or locked, monitoring top 10 holders, and detecting developer mints.
    • Mint Authority: Ability for devs to mint new tokens
    • Freeze Authority: Ability for devs to freeze token accounts
    • LP burned/Locked: % of liquidity pool burned. Green check if more than 50% burned
    • Top 10 Holders: % owned by top 10 holders. Green check if top 10 holders owns less than 15%
    • Dev Mints: Number of tokens minted by token dev

Mobile Optimization​

🍌 Mobile UX Hack
  • Use ApePro on mobile devices with optimised UI/UX
  • You can add the ApePro web app to your home screen for an app-like experience
    • For iOS (Safari Browser):

      1. Open in Safari.
      2. Tap the Share icon at the bottom of the screen.
      3. Scroll down and select Add to Home Screen.
      4. Tap Add in the upper-right corner.
    • For Android (Chrome Browser):

      1. Open in Chrome.
      2. Tap the Menu icon (three dots) in the upper-right corner.
      3. Select Add to Home screen.
      4. Tap Add.

By adding ApePro to your home screen, you can access it with a single tap, just like a native app. This Progressive Web App (PWA) provides an immersive, full-screen experience.